Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Literary Exchange 2018 Project

Senior/Kindergarten Literary Exchange

Each trimester Casady seniors take a new English course, similar to college seminar courses. Multiple Genre Creative Writing, taught by Whitney Finley, is one of the courses offered during the winter trimester, and students in this course have concluded a unit of study focused on children’s literature.
After spending a few days reading and critiquing children’s literature, the seniors began the process of crafting their own children's stories. The seniors worked diligently on their projects and were conscientious about content, structure, characterization, illustrations, and use of rhetorical devices. The project culminated with an opportunity for the seniors to share their stories with kindergarten children today. This opportunity for our oldest Cyclones to engage with our younger Cyclones as a part of the learning process is unique and special for all of the children and enhances our Casady Community.
This is the eighth year for this project. Casady kindergarteners will now craft their own unique stories and reciprocate a sharing time with seniors in the spring.

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