Thursday, April 23, 2015

Final Days of Earth Week

Love This Place! Serve the Earth Week

           Secret Agent of Green Compassion
                Mission 008 - April 25, 2015

Good Morning Agents!

You now know that you are part of nature's conspiracy to take care of itself. Each of us has ongoing secret missions that we are to complete each day to do our part to keep nature in balance. Our job is to tune in to these missions and decode their related messages, the decoding being made manifest through our compassionate actions.

For today, the last in this special week of green compassion, we are asking you to return to the paper you completed in the first four days of the week and to the penny you used to download your positive experiences the last three days.

Regarding the paper, study the circles and draw lines of connection to those that have a clear relationship for you.Connect as many circles as you wish. Make sure to connect them all back to you at the center. What you have here is a map of how you and nature relate to each other on different levels of your experience. Such a map can show you how you receive sustenance and blessing from nature, how nature enriches your life. It can also suggest where and how you can return the favor.

What can you do to help nature be a blessing to others as well, to benefit their "conspiracy"?

Next, pick up your penny and go out into nature where you can find some soil. Dig a small hole and put the penny into it. As you do, remember that you were able to enjoy all these pleasant moments because nature gives you life and nourishes you. So now you are saying thank you. By burying your penny, you are symbolically sharing your happy memories with nature and taking a moment to be grateful and aware of the earth that sustains you.

We hope you have been sharing your experiences on Twitter with these missions using the hashtag #LoveThisPlace2015. And if you have yet to do so, please use this link to share a photo of a place on the planet you love and why you love it.

Thank you, agents!

PS - If you have enjoyed these missions, please visit Kind Living, the organization that provided them for you this week.

 Love This Place! Serve the Earth Week

           Secret Agent of Green Compassion
                Mission 007 - April 24, 2015

Good Morning Agents!

In the fantasy world of super spies and secret agents, James Bond reigns supreme, the original 007.  But secret agents of green compassion have their own 00 number as well, but it's not a license to kill. It's a license to experience wonder.

Today your mission is to go out into nature and see something that fills you with wonder.  As you do, you can say, "Oh...Oh!" That's your Double O, the Double O of wonderment at the beauty, the intricacy, the miracle of life around you.

It may be that what you see is something that in the past you've overlooked because it's so familiar or "ordinary." But nothing in nature is ordinary. Everything is unique. So in this mission, you now have a license to look beyond your ordinary way of seeing and naming things and experience wonder as you look more closely, look more deeply, and appreciate more heartfully the living world around you.

The truly wonderful thing is, your Double O license can never be revoked! It's always there for you to use to experience the wonder around you. Today, please let your Double O Wonder license inspire you to perform a compassionate act for something in the natural world that gives you this opportunity for wonderment.

Throughout this week, we encourage you to share your experiences on Twitterwith the hashtag #LoveThisPlace2015. And, please, in celebration of our conspiracy of positively expressing life on earth, use this link to share a photo of a place you love and why you love it.

The earth has music for those who listen. George Santayana

Love This Place! Serve the Earth Week

           Secret Agent of Green Compassion
                Mission 006 - April 23, 2015

Good Morning Agents!

Today's mission begins by getting a penny (any penny will do) and putting it in a special place in your pocket where you can get to it easily.

As you go through your day, whenever you have a pleasant moment, for whatever reason, maybe someone said something positive or encouraging to you, maybe you had a special memory that came over you, maybe you saw something beautiful in the world around you, maybe you accomplished something that made you feel proud and good, or you tasted something delicious, take out your penny and hold it in your hand.

Say to the penny, "Remember this moment!" and as you hold the penny, appreciate the pleasure or joy, the happiness or positive emotion or thought you just experienced, no matter how trivial or minor it might seem in the grand scheme of things. In effect, you are "downloading" and sharing the joy of the moment with the penny as if it were a memory drive in your computer.

Tonight as you go to bed, take out your penny and let it "upload" the memories you connected to it into your mind. That is, let it remind you. Think back to each positive moment and let it live briefly in your thoughts.

Beginning today, do this for each of the last three days of "Love This Place! Serve the Earth Week." At first you may forget, but when you feel the penny in your pocket, you'll remember. In time, it will become a habit. This will be your "joyous penny."

Stay tuned for a specific instructions on how you will be sharing your happy memories with nature later this week. And as you know, we are encouraging you to share your experiences on Twitter with the hashtag #LoveThisPlace2015. And, please, in celebration of our conspiracy of positively expressing life on earth, use this link to share a photo of a place you love and why you love it.

Love This Place! Serve the Earth Week

           Secret Agent of Green Compassion
                Mission 005 - April 22, 2015

Good Morning Agents!

We begin today by asking you to pose a question to yourself: "Can I see and appreciate the fullness of the life around me and all the forms it takes?"

To be an effective secret agent, you have to be good at finding and decoding secret messages. The question above is a secret message. Your genuine and thoughtful answer is how the message is decoded. It will also serve as your guide to today's mission.

To begin the decoding process, take a walk in a familiar outdoor place. Ideally, where you walk should be a place you see everyday, a place to which you are accustomed. For example, you could take a walk around your neighborhood. This time, however, make an effort to see what you have not seen before. Look beyond the familiar. In doing so, you need to decode some additional messages:
    - What is happening in the nature around you?
    - What can you see in your own yard, for instance, that you normally overlook?
    - What plants and animals are there?
    - What is happening?

We assume we are seeing things because we can name them with familiar names. "Oh, that's my tree, that's my bush, that's my lawn." But these names can make us unconscious of what is happening around us. What, for instance, are the leaves on that tree like? What are they doing for the tree?  How is the bush shaped? What kind of flowers are growing in my yard, not by name but by how they look, their colors, their aroma, and so on? What insects are attracted?

While decoding these more specific secret messages, allow an action of green compassion to emerge and then complete it. In doing so, you will have successfully decoded the message and completed today's mission.

Remember, we are encouraging you to share your experiences on Twitter with the hashtag #LoveThisPlace2015. And, please, in celebration of our conspiracy of positively expressing life on earth, use this link to share a photo of a place you love and why you love it.

Good luck, agents.

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