Friday, April 4, 2014

DC Bound

Peace Week Showcase

@ MONUMENTAL, Service-Learning Conference in DC

We made little "posters" of 14 x 11 in cardstock paper, and at the top the Day of the Peace Week and what it stands for (e.g. Day 9: Freedom), and then three separate columns of what we did at Casady, our personal experiences with the topic, and what the next step of promoting that topic would be.

We will have these posters mounted with tape on the edges of the table, and the two posters nearest the corner of the table facing the people will come off of it a little bit, so that we can fit all of the posters on it (We did the math and found that it was the only way to fit them all. Service-Learning at its finest.)





8th graders view showcase, provide feedback


Fair Trade Chocolate Showcase








Secret Agents of Compassion

Peace Stone Soup Project - Day @ the Hill


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